Saturday 30 May 2020

Beli dekat Shopee, PARCEL AKU HILANG!

Hi helo Assalamualaikum. Selamat hari raya, geng lupa nak update post 1st Syawal haritu so just put it dalam draft and nah that was boring (macamlah menyeronokkan selama ni)

Sebab kena stay at home and ikut raya SOP PKPB kali ni, confirm lah semua tak shopping raya dekat Mall kan πŸ€” So kita gunakan benefit online shopping.

Parcel hilang sebab J&T. 7 hari tracking dari KUL-KLANG GATEWAY TO PJS005 tak update. Shopee confirmed order lost and dapat refund

Yes, aku tergolong dalam kalangan yang menimbuni post office Poslaju, J&T, GDEx semua tu until this thing happened yang buat aku paranoid dah bila parcel aku TAK UPDATE TRACKING ORDER!

Cerita dia I ordered these two items of selfie ring light and a mini tripod from this one shop (censor and going to keep it as private and confidential). The seller was so nice but the courier that I chose was the wrong one.

Monday 11 May 2020


Hi everyone welcome back to my blog! For my new readers welcome and sorry for my humble and lowkey blog πŸ™πŸ»

We're only 12 days left to Syawal and please, use these 12 days as an oppurtunity to do good deeds and get rewards in this Holy month ✨

I am one day late for my weekly post but nevermind! I did a poll (again) on my Instagram Story and I brought the Sunscreen topic.

The questions were :

"Do you use sunscreen?" 
"Do you think sunscreen is important?"
"What do you think a sunscreen can do?"

Guess what? For the first question, there were more than a half percent of respondents answered "NO, I DONT WEAR SUNSCREEN". 

But from those people too, they did agree that applying sunscreen is crucial in our daily skincare routine. Not just the face, but the whole exposed parts of our bodies!

Saturday 2 May 2020

K-Drama Review: Memorist [70% SPOILER ALERT]

Hi and welcome back to my Blog!
How's your Ramadhan so faarrrπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

Yesterday, I accidentally skipped my sahur. Not just me, but my entire family.

Skipping sahur made me ordered 2 Large Pizzas from Pizzahut and of course, my dearest Beef Pepperoni and Aloha Chicken πŸ˜πŸ”πŸ„

Okay cut!

So today I'm gonna make a review on this new underrated K-Drama that just ended its episode on last 30th of April and I can't believe it that I CRIEEEDDD???!!!

Monday 27 April 2020

PicsArt: Stickers Tool Cool Hack on This Free Editing App!

Hi guys!!

I'm back after a week skipping contents on my blog because I've lost my mood entirely when Blogger removed everything from my blog πŸ™„ Even my own photos

like duh why do u need to do that?

I've reported and they said the issues have been resolved but boohoo no one would wanna believe that so I just reuploaded all the missing photos *sobs sobs*


We're in our 3rd day of Ramadhan 😍😍 Ramadhan Mubarak to all Muslims ✨ MCO makes me cook and never buy delivery foods πŸ€ͺ

Cut the chats!